This novel from Margo Lanagan was my stretch book, I had to check it out of the library 3 times. I put it down several times and started new books. Its a retelling of childhood fairy tales, but its done in a dark, vivid manner set in two different worlds and includes old age English.
Liga lives in her own personal heaven given to her by natural magic in exchange for her earthly life. She had two daughters, Branza and Urdda. Branza is gentle while Urdda is the curious type. Both of these girls reside in a "soft" world protected from violence, predators, and village prejudice. All these things they are protected from once hurt their mother and in this magical world, her mother strives for the well-being of her two girls. But the "real" world cannot be denied forever.
I feel like this is a symbol of adolescents and finding belonging. In knowing the safety of heaven, will these girls be able to face the brutality that lies side by side?
This novel is engaging, but was not a book I would ever pick up again because of my distance between the two worlds. This novel would be extremely difficult for me to teach because I was not engaged, but I feel this type of telling of the two worlds may be more relatable to my students. I may have this as an option for students to read event though I may not teach it.